Friday, May 30, 2014

No This is Not a Joke

I know what you're thinking. Me. With a hot stove and a spoon. Bad idea. But listen, I am basically a pro now because I was taught by the pros right? Italians know their food. Okay maybe I am not a pro but the two cooking classes we got to take last week were so much fun! I always thought I didn't like to cook but I think I have been living a lie. I enjoy it a lot! As long as I am not starving and grumpy or the kitchen is a mess then in the words of my roommate Cara: I think there is an inner baker inside of me waiting to come out. 

This is our view from the balcony of the Dante Alighieri school where we ate our appetizers. Good food, good view. Pretty darn good life.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I guess this is allot better than a hot stove and a fork!
