Thursday, May 8, 2014

Italian Tinder

I always swore I never would but... when in Rome... Tinder Italian boys!!

My roommates and I started Tinder accounts specifically for this trip to chat with Italian ragazzi but I promise it will be deleted the moment I reach the states! For now it has been highly entertaining. The names are probably the best part because I am matching with Guidos and Lorenzos and other exotic creatures. My roommate matched with a guy named Lorenzo who mentioned that he works at the Vatican. Well, lucky us! We hit the Vatican this Friday. We just might have a Lorenzo sighting take place and if we do... possiamo avere una foto? Con un bacio? But just on the cheek! Probably. A couple of guys have asked to meet me for gelato and things like that but of course I'm not going to cross that line. I know meeting them could be dangerous. But no harm in having a little fun talking to them right? Let's keep this whole Tinder thing on the DL though huh? I don't want my Tinderless rep ruined...

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