Sunday, May 25, 2014

Families are Forever and Everywhere

Siena seems to have a good grasp on what the word "family" should mean. The whole town is its own family! Each contrada (sections of the town divided into different teams) is its own family. And within contrade extended families gather often. These families are an important part of Sienese culture. And I love it. Tonight at dinner we had Anna's daughter in-law and two adorable granddaughters over and the kitchen seemed so full and alive with people. I want that to always be a part of my life. I love how wherever you go you will always find families. Even though cultures can be drastically different, families are part of every culture. I am so grateful that this universally important concept of the family lasts forever. 

Babies dressed up in their "drago" contrada outfits. 
The choosing of which teams will be in the Palio race in July. 

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