Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Only One.

Since I came to Europe I have not drunk any soda. Want to know why? ... It's because Europeans don't believe in Dr. Pepper!!! I am not sure what they see in Coca-cola, but I am not buying it. There was absolutely no DP in Italy, and I assumed I would be soda-less for the duration of my 9-week trip. But then... Jill's cousin Elise gave us a ray of shining hope in the form of this soda machine. The only one she could find in all of London. There, in that greasy little Burger King it felt like we had won the lottery. I don't think my Dr. Pepper has ever tasted so good in my life. I don't normally drink a lot of it, but when I am occasionally at a restaurant or need an energy boost this is my go-to drink. I've missed you DP. Cheers. 

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