Saturday, June 21, 2014

Just. Wow.

I had heard from a few people that Venice may not even be worth going to because it doesn't have much to offer. Well, to those few people all I have to say is... "Whaaaaaat???!"

Venice is probably the most beautiful place on earth. Although it's due to the fact that the island is sinking, the streets are lined with beautiful canals and gondolas on every corner. I think I was in shock for at least 15 minutes after I got off the bus and stepped into this dream of a place.

We had a lot of adventures in Venice last weekend. Here's a few of the most memorable:

- We checked into a sketch hotel run by sketchy people who kept complimenting us and calling us "belle ragazze." But I gotta say I have loved getting free stuff because I am a girl. These Italians really pull some serious strings for you if you just stand there and look pretty.

- The room was a sauna because it was 91,000 degrees outside and even with the fan on, one sheet as a blanket, and minimal sleepwear, we all still woke up multiple times in the night sweating. Ick. (Ps. I hope you all get that reference)

- Saturday night it started raining. Hard. Somehow the expensive umbrella my mom bought me especially for Europe broke (I'm so suing the expensive umbrella company) and so I had to get a new one to avoid drowning. I purchased one from an Indian who owned a little shop on the side of the street. While I was getting my money out he gave me an umbrella to hold over my head so I wouldn't get wet. Which was really nice of him... Well, I walked away with said umbrella... not realizing that I had the other umbrella I actually wanted to by under my other arm. I got all the way around the corner before I realized and ran back to give him one of the umbrellas. As I handed it back to him and explained what happened in Italian, he just started laughing at me. He just kept laughing.. so I backed away and said a hurried "Ciao, mi dispiace!" and then split before other people figured out what was happening and joined in on the joke. I swear I embarrass myself every day in Italy. Hopefully I'll at least be humble by the time I come back.

- We met a waiter on the side of the street who claimed he used to be Vittorio, a former player on the Italia Men's soccer team. He insisted that we get our hands signed by him. Too bad I can't sell my hand for money. And too bad he probably was senile and had no idea what he was talking about.

- On our last day we had heard rumors that a train strike was happening right at the time we were supposed to take our train home. Italians have these strikes all the time. It's a totally normal thing to do. Ya we didn't know that. We started making plans to take a late train, since the strike stopped at 9pm and get home really late, or take some kind of bus instead. But luckily we found out the strike was only for trains within the Venetian region and not the fast train between regions of Italy like the one we were taking. Close one.


There are two little islands that are part of the Venetian region just a little ways off the main part of Venice. The boat ride to get there is beautiful and to me that was half the fun! But these islands... they are something else. The first one is called Murano, and it's the island where they do glass-blowing. There are a lot less tourists and it's more laid back than the main island of Venice. It's worth it for the free glass-blowing demonstration alone. 

This is the "maestro" at work. It was probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen. But if you do go here, make sure to not buy the Venetian glass jewelry right outside the demonstration room. You can find it for half the price anywhere else in Venice and my 20 euro ring broke after 3 days. Yep. I am THAT tourist who fell into the trap. You live and you learn. 


Okay but Burano... Burano is the place to go. Granted there is not much to do there because it's a small island, it was my most favorite place in Italy. It's like Cinque Terre and Venice combined. It has the beautifully colored buildings and the canals running through the streets. It's the island of lace-making too... and in case you didn't know I am obsessed with lace. Obsessed. I bought way too many things because I was overcome by all the lace. Again... THAT tourist. But it was worth it this time. There is nothing like this place. 

Island of lace! 

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