Wednesday, April 9, 2014

General Conference Newbie

Photo: First timers! #ldsconf

I have lived in Utah for most of my life. I'm an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You'd think I would be well-versed in the activity of going to hear our prophet and apostles speak since they are just a wee hour away in Salt Lake City. But alas, for one reason or another I have always spent conference at home in my pjs with my mother's home-made monkey bread. The monkey bread is probably the real reason.

Well, this year my roommate and I happened upon some tickets and we decided to give it a shot! Honestly, it was probably one of my favorite experiences I have had. I just may decide to sacrifice the monkey bread again. The environment of the whole thing is what I really loved. The conference center is HUGE! And you just feel such a sense of community with the other members of the Mormon church. They dim the lights, spotlight the speaker, and have even made the conference center a dead-zone for cell phones so it is much easier to focus. The speakers were amazing as usual, but the spirit felt so much closer than just watching it on TV. Perhaps because we were in the actual presence of men that are so close to the spirit themselves. Afterwards, we walked around temple square with the sun shining. We just people watched and enjoyed the beauty of the temple grounds. It was perfect.

The protesters were also quite entertaining, standing outside of the conference center with picket signs. One guy kept yelling, "Once you go to hell you can't come back!" as we were walking into the building. That gave me a good laugh :). And then as we came out another guy kept saying, "You guys have such creepy smiles when you come out of there, still drinking you're kool-aid I suppose!" Haha apparently happiness is frightening for him.

I loved going to General Conference. I think I'll do it again.

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